Actions Create Useful Messaging Flows

Order Status

Create, manage and use order status to optimize fulfillment and trigger events.

Get Flow Notify

In WooCommerce, order statuses are labels assigned to orders indicating where they are in the fulfillment process. By default, WooCommerce only allows 7 uneditable order statuses. Flow Notify allows you to edit those and create your own.


Build a data rich notification with order information for customers and admins

Get Flow Notify

Notifications are the messages that send to your contact. Using text & smart [data types] build a message that is useful, timely and relevant. Get creative, because the only limit on what and who you send to is up to your imagination.

Event Triggers

Use events and behaviors to trigger automatic messages based on your store

Get Flow Notify
Setting up a trigger for a custom notification with Flow Notify.

Event triggers allow the content of your notifications make sense by sending your message out at the right time. Since Flow Notify is deeply integrated with WooCommerce, we challenge you to find an action in our plugin that doesn’t trigger an event.

Automate WooCommerce Notifications

Get Flow Notify

Setup Takes 5 Minutes Flat